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Guidelines for Social Responsibility in Outbound Mining Investments

Observatoire de la société civile congolaise pour les minerais de paix /OSCMP

Guidelines for Social Responsibility in Outbound Mining Investments

Economic globalization has been accompanied and promoted by a more widespread allocation and distribution of capital assets, information technology, labour resources, and other production factors. Fuelled by economic growth and by increasing demands of a growing world population, the global competition for mineral resources is intensifying. Driven by the ‘Going Out’ strategy, Chinese companies are encouraged to actively engage in the optimization of allocation and distribution of global mineral resources in order to meet the needs of the rapid growth of the Chinese economy. As a capital-intensive long-term business, the sustainable development of mineral resources requires continuous public trust and a stable legal, political, social, and economic environment. As for Chinese mining companies engaged in outbound investment, specific corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues with regard to mineral development – such as improving production efciency, ethical and fair operations, labour conditions, providing safe working conditions, minimizing environmental pollution, avoiding contributing to armed groups or sourcing “confict minerals”, and being responsible for improvements in the lives of the local community – should be the major focus. Against this background, the China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals and Chemicals Importers and Exporters (CCCMC), an industry association aimed at promoting the sustainable development of the outbound investment and trade operations of the Chinese mining industry, has developed the ‘Guidelines for Social Responsibility in Chinese Outbound Mining Investment’ (hereafter referred to as the ‘Guidelines’), with the support of the bilateral Sino-German Corporate Social Responsibility Project and the Emerging Market Multinationals Network for Sustainability Project that are jointly initiated by the Chinese and German governments. The purpose of the Guidelines is to regulate Chinese mining investments and operations, and to guide Chinese companies in improving CSR and sustainability strategies, as well as management systems. These Guidelines are essentially structured along the principles and core subjects of the ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility with some exceptions to better reflect the specifics of the mining industry. They take into account the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and other international standards and initiatives. They also take into account the Guiding Opinions on Performance of Social Responsibilities by State-owned Enterprises under the Central Government released by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council and relevant laws and regulations. Moreover, to develop the principles and requirements of these Guidelines, industry-specifc sustainability standards, such as the Sustainable Development Framework of the International Council of Minerals and Metals (ICMM), the Code of Practices from the Responsible Jewellery Council, and the Bettercoal Code, etc., have been reviewed and relevant sections to the Chinese mining industry have been included in these Guidelines (see Annex 1). The process of developing these Guidelines is geared to the ISEAL Standard-Setting Code of Good Practice for establishing Social and Environmental Standards. (see Annex 2) Relevant Chinese government departments, 27 Chinese mining companies, industrial associations, and selected experts have provided comments and suggestions to these Guidelines. (see Annex 3) The Guidelines are divided into three Chapters. Chapter One outlines the scope of the Guidelines and defnes the guiding principles of social responsibility. The seven guiding principles represent the overarching commitment to social responsibility in outbound mining investments and thereby embody the “spirit” of these Guidelines
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